mercredi 23 mai 2012

International Symposium in France

      The "Pôle Grands Prédateurs" (Pole Large Predators) organizes an International Symposium in Decembre and a week of activities on the theme of large predators.
     The conference theme is « Living with large predators in Europe » and the experiences of 6 countries (France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Romania) will be presented by speakers through 3 modules :
  Communication : To get to know the species that were used to be denigrated.
  Coexistence : To assure a effective protection of the humans activities which can be damaged pouvant subir des dégâts (herds, beehives, fruit trees)
  Valuation : To use the image of large predators to valuate a geographic zone and traditional humans activities (agriculture, beekeeping, crafts…).

I will make an intervention at this symposium, so I shall be very glad you came! :D
More details by clicking on the poster!

samedi 12 mai 2012

The last step!

     The last part of the project is to study the perception of people towards the lynx, I made a questionnaire that several Swedish people answered already. But I need more answers so that the questionnaire were significant.

     Do not hesitate to do it and to send it to a lot of people to help the project :) (for Swedish only!):

     The result will be published on the NaturiLynx website in November. It will compare the French perception and the Swedish perception. 

Coming soon!

Now the report is finished! I have already done it in French but I have to translate everything in english. As I’m doing another project in Argentine for the moment, the report in english will be published in August.

If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me to receive it :)