Parcel protected by Emma, a female guard dog
Alain Revil owns 400 sheeps in Mirebel (Jura) and for him, farming is the only source of income.
All his plots are both next to houses (of Bonnefontaine or of Mirebel) and both next to the edge of the forest.
« We are in the Jura and the forest is obviously very dominant » he says, « despite the proximity of houses, this does not prevent the lynx from approaching animals and attack them. »
During the year 2011, Alain Revil suffered 18 attacks of lynx of which 15 since september. He does not count anymore the observation sheet of attacks completed by the ONCFS (National Hunting and Wildlife Agency).
There is specially problems on one of the plot : it has an aera of 10ha (= 100 000m2), is in the woods and was the best place for lynx attacks this year.
There is specially problems on one of the plot : it has an aera of 10ha (= 100 000m2), is in the woods and was the best place for lynx attacks this year.
When there is an attack, Alain Revil contact the National Guard of the ONCFS.
- note the class of the sheep that depends on age, sex…
- complete the observation sheet and raise the animal's throat's skin soulèvent to see the bite marks
- if there is any doubt, indemnisation may change
- the indemnisation may vary depending on the flock-book (studbook for sheep and goats in race) of the animal
0 to 6 months : 99€
6 to 12 months : 121€
Implemented solutions to these attacks
Alain Revil was the first to receive for one year as an experiment, a three years-old sheep dog : Domino. When Alain Revil resumed the farm in 2009, the breeder had undergone previous ten attacks. The association "Pôle Grands Prédateurs" (Pole Large Predators) came to propose the establishment of a sheep dog.
« I was pretty skeptical.In the region where I come from (Dauphiné-Alpes), these dogs become aggressive after a wolves attack, no one can approach them anymore...», Alain Revil says.
Today, Alain Revil could no longer do without sheep dog. Emma, female Pyrenean Mountain Dog, watch right now on one of the herds.
No sheep dog's attack on passers has been identified in the Jura up to now. The sheep dog is not prepared for attacking, but for deterrence. If an intruder approaches the herd, it barks and comes between the intruder and the herd.
Emma devant l'enclos
The herd takes a few days to get used to the dog's presence, but soon, a link is created. Sheep are much like the dog's family, it is part of the herd.
Other experiments on protective measures have been carried out, due to a budget of 8 000€ :
- Safety net
- Electrified wire fencing
- Enterprise clearing
But sometimes, all these measures are still not sufficient to deter the lynx.
There were two attacks last spring (2011) in a herd where was installed a safety net and a sheep dog, on the famous plot of 10ha.
There were two attacks last spring (2011) in a herd where was installed a safety net and a sheep dog, on the famous plot of 10ha.
In sheep, the herd is divided into four troops:
- breeding
- rams
- lambs
- young males
And one last herd with the reforms. Otherwise, it is this herd that Alain put ont on the parcel at risk.
The farmer feels powerless and would like things are moving. Facing the new context of the arrival of the lynx, he believes that compensation should adapt to situations like his, called "center of attacks"
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