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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Symposium. Afficher tous les articles

mercredi 23 mai 2012

International Symposium in France

      The "Pôle Grands Prédateurs" (Pole Large Predators) organizes an International Symposium in Decembre and a week of activities on the theme of large predators.
     The conference theme is « Living with large predators in Europe » and the experiences of 6 countries (France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Romania) will be presented by speakers through 3 modules :
  Communication : To get to know the species that were used to be denigrated.
  Coexistence : To assure a effective protection of the humans activities which can be damaged pouvant subir des dégâts (herds, beehives, fruit trees)
  Valuation : To use the image of large predators to valuate a geographic zone and traditional humans activities (agriculture, beekeeping, crafts…).

I will make an intervention at this symposium, so I shall be very glad you came! :D
More details by clicking on the poster!

lundi 16 janvier 2012

Publication of the Proceedings of Symposium 2008 Orléans

      The Proceedings of Symposium 2008 which took place at the Natural History Museum of Orléans (FRANCE) are publicated at least! :)
[Thanks to Jacques Baillon and Actu'Lynx for this information]
Here this the link to order a version of this document rich in information:

"Lynx...Le grand retour?" Lynx...the great return?

      This symposium was the brainchild of a group of passionate individuals and organizations whith the following composition :

1) Organisation of the symposium

- Organizing Committee :
Philippe Guillet (Muséum d’Orléans)
Marie-Paule Lagasquie (Loiret Nature Environnement)
René Rosoux (Muséum d’Orléans)
Didier Papet (Loiret Nature Environnement)
Jacques Baillon (Loiret Nature Environnement)
Pascale Rossler (Loiret Nature Environnement)
Annie Moreau (FERUS)
Farid Benhammou (RGTE-ENGREF)

Scientific coordination:
René Rosoux (Muséum d’Orléans)

2) Publication of the proceedings (by the National Natural History Muséum)

- Writing et translations :
Anne Saint Girons
Marie-des-Neiges de Bellefroid
René Rosoux

Reading Committee :
Jacques Baillon (Loiret Nature Environnement)
Roland Libois (Université de Liège)
Marie-des-Neiges de Bellefroid (Loiret Nature Environnement)
Éric Marboutin (ONCFS)
Farid Benhammou (RGTE-ENGREF)
René Rosoux (Muséum d’Orléans)
Philippe Guillet (Muséum d’Orléans)
Gilbert Simon (WWF/FERUS)

Foreword : Philippe Guillet
Preface : Eladio Fernandez Galiano
Introduction : Jacques Trouvilliez

     Distribution map of the northern lynx and the Iberian lynx in Europe (situation 2010) : Patrick Haffner
Origin and evolution of the genus Lynx : Agnès Testu
The lynx in France : contribution archaeological and historical data : Cécile Callou
The role of France in the return of the lynx in Europe : Gilbert Simon
The lynx population in France : Éric Marboutin, Christophe Duchamp, Pierre-Emmanuel Briaudet, Perrine Moris, François Léger, Yannick Léonard, Alain Laurent, Jérôme Boyer, Michel Catusse et Pierre Migot
The discrete progression of the lynx in France, current balance : Mathieu Krammer
Observation of the lynx in the wild in the Jura Mountains, providing a naturalist work : Loïc Coat

     Ecology and management of lynx in Switzerland : Andreas Ryser et Urs Breitenmoser
     The Iberian lynx in critical danger of extinction : Miguel Delibes de Castro
     The lynx in Slovenia : statut et écologie : Miha Kröfel
    Analysis of potential home of Boreal Lynx (Lynx lynx) in the eastern province of Liege (Belgium) : Violaine Thiry, Vinciane Schockert, Roland Libois, Yves Cornet et Samuel van der Linden
     Fear of lynx… or scare with the lynx? The return of the lynx in the french Jura : Pierre Athanaze
     Live with the lynx or how to accept the wild : Jean-Claude Génot
     Conservation strategy of the Iberian Lynx in Andalousia: Miguel Anguel Simon, Rafael Cadenas, José-Maria Gil-Sanchez, Marcos Lopes Parra, Leonardo Fernandez, Gema Ruiz et Guillermo Lopez.

     The lynx in Germany, a successful return, even in fragmented habitats? : Mathias Herrmann et Nina Klar
Public policies to protect the lynx in Europe in France : Nathalie Lacour
     Geopolitical perspectives of the lynx and the return of large predators in France : connections, similarities and specificities : Farid Benhammou

Conclusion : René Rosoux et Marie des Neiges de Bellefroid
Annexes : Organisation of the symposium. Communications, posters, events, addresses of stakeholders, Table of Contents

This publication is volume 71 of the "Patrimoines Naturels" collection
Publication Director: Thomas Grenon
General Director of the National Museum of Natural History
Editor: Jean-Philippe Siblet
Editorial Assistant: Gwénaëlle Chavassieu

Symposium about reintroduction of animals (Lyon FRANCE - February 10th and 11th of 2012)

To see the article, clich here here