mercredi 23 mai 2012

International Symposium in France

      The "Pôle Grands Prédateurs" (Pole Large Predators) organizes an International Symposium in Decembre and a week of activities on the theme of large predators.
     The conference theme is « Living with large predators in Europe » and the experiences of 6 countries (France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Romania) will be presented by speakers through 3 modules :
  Communication : To get to know the species that were used to be denigrated.
  Coexistence : To assure a effective protection of the humans activities which can be damaged pouvant subir des dégâts (herds, beehives, fruit trees)
  Valuation : To use the image of large predators to valuate a geographic zone and traditional humans activities (agriculture, beekeeping, crafts…).

I will make an intervention at this symposium, so I shall be very glad you came! :D
More details by clicking on the poster!

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